Choosing The Right Business Intelligence And Data Analytics Tools

Each one of the Business Intelligence and analytics tools might not be able to meet the companies and their users halfway down the lane. The real challenge occurs because of several of these tools. The options are too many for even the top BI tools. Thus, it is typical for companies and their teams to struggle to choose the best BI tools.  

It is crucial to analyze your choices compared to a set benchmark. You can use several methods to arrive at the top BI tools for the best results. In the process, your teams might have to go from hundreds of options after looking at the demos and trials to consciously choosing a specific BI tool. 

You and your teams can ask the following questions at various levels when selecting Business Intelligence and analytics tools. We've framed a set of questions that can help evaluate the suitability of your BI tool in meeting your and your end-users requirements.

This scorecard is relatively easy to keep track of regularly. You can also ask your teams to add more such questions or modify some of them as per your industry or understanding of the organization's requirements. 

Let's begin!

Scorecard Questions
1. To develop a basic understanding of your target audience

- What kind of users will this BI tool help, technical or business?

- Can data scientists or analysts make use of it? 

- Is it possible to evaluate your work environment? If so, is it accommodating?

Is the user experience intuitive?

- Can this tool be your everyday help?

- Are the outputs practical and can be used in the decision-making process? 

- Are the results visually appealing? 

Even if you've prepared a list of top BI tools, cross-checking them to see if they meet these questions with a ''yes'' can be a deciding factor in your conclusion. 

2. Importance of features as per your company's operational needs

- What is the importance of tools?

- Are your results interactive and easy to follow?

- Do the results have a significant weightage or a sequence they follow?

- Does it support your internal and external team?

- How quickly can the teams out the results to use? Can it be instant?

- Does it offer data visualization which is easy to understand? For example, Grow Business Intelligence solutions make it easier to understand complex data in minutes. 

Ask your teams that they can acquire every kind of information from the Business Intelligence and analytics tools. Tag any additional information if needed. If the tool misses any feature, the teams won't face any hard times. 

3. How can the tool help your team be better at learning?

- Is there sufficient training and learning material available?

- Are there any demo videos or self-paced online classes?

- Are the training sessions free or paid?

- Will the team members be comfortable and fully understand the learning material?

Many Business Intelligence and analytics tools are user-friendly and pair up with adequate training material to go with in the first place.  However, even the top BI tools sometimes won't come with completely functional training lessons. 

In the latter case, you might have to ask the providers to help train the personnel, both technical and otherwise. Time and resources taken to learn the new tool should also be considered while planning to invest in a new tool.

Closing Words-

Discover the right Business Intelligence and analytics tools to match your organizational needs for data-driven decisions at


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